Here are a few tricks of the trade when it comes to event suppliers working with Generation Y.

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Communicate correctly

Keep in mind that millennials grew up connected to their peers through the Internet, and they have certain expectations when it comes to communication. With instant gratification as a major value of today’s young generation, it’s important for event suppliers to meet them on that level while still setting boundaries. Instead of emails, consider using Facebook Messenger to stay in touch with clients – that way, they’ll feel that you’re fully accessible when they have questions. At the same time, don’t feel like you need to respond to a message that instant – aim to reply to any communications within 24 hours.

Event Suppliers

Be fresh

Millennials are bombarded with inspiration from every direction, from Instagram to Pinterest to the magazine aisle of the grocery store. Chances are that they’ll find some styles that they fall in love with, but it’s up to you to add your own fresh and unique touch to the design. Millennials want something that is “Instagram-worthy” but they still value individuality and want something that looks different than the rest of their friends’ events. It’s important for event suppliers today to know what is trending in the industry so that you can expand upon the styles that you’re seeing.

Event Suppliers

Get creative

On the same note, millennials want more than just dinner and dancing out of an event – they want to provide an experience that their guests won’t soon forget. Event suppliers should consider using their expertise to create a fully customizable experience that incorporates the client’s interests.

Have a couple that shares a love of wine? Put together a wine tasting station at their wedding! Working with a startup company that enjoys regular baseball outings? Hire the mascot from the local baseball team to have a special appearance! There are countless ways for event suppliers to get creative and ensure that your client has a one-of-a-kind event.

When it comes down to it, millennials simply want their events to speak to who they are and the best way to deliver on that is to get to know them on a personal level and employ strong communication skills. Innovation is key, so put your thinking cap on and get to creating!

Kim Sayatovic is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Belladeux Event Design, a full service wedding and event design firm based in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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